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Follow the latest phishing trends

By reading articles published by the CanIPhish team.

Banner Image: The Top 25 AI Movies To Watch In 2024

These are the top 25 AI movies to watch in 2024!

The team at CanIPhish has meticulously collated and researched the 25 best movies that outline the potential power of artificial intelligence! If you want to expand your perception of what's possible, look no further!

May 24, 2024
10 Tips To Create A Strong Password In 2024 Banner

Learn how to make an uncrackable password!

In this blog, we showcase the different techniques you can use to make a password that's not only uncrackable, but also memorable! This is a must read for 2024.

February 19, 2024
Banner Image: How To Spoof An Email Address In 5 Steps

Wondering how you can spoof an email address?

In this blog, we detail the step-by-step process of discovering vulnerable domains, setting up the necessary infrastructure, and sending emails with spoofed sender addresses.

December 07, 2023
Banner Image for Blog post: Understanding The Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023: A Simple Guide

The DPDP Act 2023 Has Arrived! Let's Understand What It Means.

The team at CanIPhish has done a detailed analysis of the new DPDP Act to understand the implications on our customers.

Read this blog to understand what the DPDP act is, how it affects you, and what the penalties are for non-compliance.

September 22, 2023
Top 10 Phishing Memes of 2024 banner image.

The Funniest Phishing Memes of 2024!

The team at CanIPhish have curated a list of the funniest phishing memes we've come across in 2024.

Take a look and share these with your team members to have a laugh.

August 23, 2023
Australian SPF and DMARC scan results

Scanning 1.7 Million Australian Domains

And finding 1.62 Million SPF & DMARC email security issues, including 542 domains that have authorised any IP address to send emails from their domain.

July 08, 2022

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