What Is Vishing?

Vishing is a scam where fraudsters use phone calls to deceive the target into revealing personal information. Discover effective strategies and download our free resources to improve your organization's ability to detect vishing attempts.

What Is Vishing Definition

Vishing Definition

Vishing, a combination of 'voice' and 'phishing,' is an insidious blend of technology and social engineering, where attackers use phone calls to deceive and manipulate people into divulging sensitive information. Unlike traditional phishing, which primarily relies on email, vishing exploits voice communication's more intimate and direct nature.

At its core, vishing is voice phishing. Attackers make phone calls or leave voicemails posing as legitimate entities — be it banks, government agencies, or other trusted organizations. The goal is simple yet nefarious: to steal personal data such as credit card numbers, social security details, or login credentials. With these details, attackers can commit identity theft, drain financial accounts, or gain unauthorized access to private systems.

The Rising Threat Of Vishing

With the increasing sophistication of cybercriminals and the widespread use of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services, vishing has become a more common and effective method of fraud. It offers cybercriminals anonymity and ease of operation. They can easily spoof phone numbers, making calls appear to be coming from trusted, local, or official numbers. This ability greatly assists in tricking victims into believing the call is legitimate.

Explanation how the rise of VoIP has enabled vishing scammers

According to cybersecurity company Trellix, vishing attacks surged by a staggering 142% in the last quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter. This escalation highlights the evolving nature of cyber threats and underscores the imperative need for heightened vigilance and robust security measures.

Understanding Common Vishing Techniques

Many believe vishing scams are easily recognizable, but this isn't always true. Today's vishing attacks vary greatly in sophistication, from broadly cast, simple schemes to extremely nuanced, targeted operations. These scams often leverage a mix of cunning psychological tactics, making them less obvious and more deceptive.

To effectively guard against vishing, it's crucial to understand the various techniques scammers employ. Here are some common methods:

Caller ID Spoofing

Vishers often use technology to disguise their phone number. They might mimic the phone numbers of legitimate businesses or government agencies to earn your trust. Be wary of any unsolicited calls, especially those requesting personal information.

Coercion And Urgency

A common tactic in vishing is to create a sense of urgency or instill fear. Scammers might claim there's an issue with your bank account or allege legal troubles that require immediate attention. Unlike legitimate entities, these fraudsters aim to disrupt rational thinking and coerce hasty decisions over the phone.

Ghost Calls

This multi-layered tactic is used to trigger a callback. This technique helps scammers home in on victims who are more likely to engage in conversation.


Be cautious of robocalls; these are automated messages that play when you pick up the phone. This highly scalable attack technique often features a fear-inducing message meant to incite quick action. Legitimate organizations would not utilize this method to contact you.

Graphic advising the common vishing techniques

What Can Businesses Do To Protect Themselves

Organizations must adopt a multifaceted approach to safeguard against vishing. This includes educating employees, establishing protocols for voice conversations, and implementing technical measures to help protect against threats.

Conduct Regular Security Awareness Training

Despite their complexity, vishing attempts often share certain telltale signs. Recognizing the signs of vishing is crucial in preventing personal and organizational data breaches.

  • Unfamiliar or blocked caller IDs: If you don't recognize the number or if it's hidden, proceed with caution.
  • Inconsistencies in the caller's story: If the story or request seems implausible or contradicts previous communications, it's likely a scam.
  • High-pressure tactics: Any call that pressures you to act immediately should raise suspicions.
  • Requesting confidential information: Legitimate entities will not ask for sensitive information like passwords, PINs, or social security numbers over an unsolicited call.

Educating your employees is the first step in fortifying your business against vishing attacks. Regular training sessions that detail what vishing is, how it works, and the common tactics employed by scammers can significantly enhance your first line of defense.

Pro Tip: Improve your security culture by utilizing these free posters! For the full range of complimentary security awareness material, check out CanIPhish's free downloads page

Create Clear Protocols For Voice Conversations

Establishing and enforcing clear protocols for sharing sensitive information is vital. Your team should understand the importance of never divulging business or customer information over a call unless the caller's identity is thoroughly verified.

Utilize Multi-Factor Authentication

Adopting multi-factor authentication makes it significantly more challenging for attackers to gain unauthorized access with just one piece of compromised information.

Definition of Security Awareness Training

Wrapping Up

As we navigate the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, vishing stands out as a particularly insidious challenge. It exploits the human element of trust and communication, making it a formidable tactic in the arsenal of cyber criminals. However, with awareness, vigilance, and the right preventive measures, we can significantly mitigate the risks associated with vishing.

The key to combating vishing is a combination of education, technological safeguards, and a culture of security awareness. By staying informed about the latest tactics used by scammers and fostering an environment of open communication and reporting, organizations can build a resilient defense against these voice-based attacks.

Download our datasheet to explore how CanIPhish can transform your organization's approach to security awareness and help you stay ahead of cyber threats like vishing.

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Image depicting a file with a checklist

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is vishing?

Vishing, a blend of 'voice' and 'phishing,' is a type of phone scam where fraudsters impersonate legitimate entities to extract personal information like bank details, passwords, or other sensitive data.

How do vishing attacks typically occur?

Vishing attacks often involve a scammer calling the victim, posing as a bank representative, government official, or tech support, and manipulating them into sharing confidential information.

What makes vishing calls different from regular phishing attempts?

Unlike traditional phishing, which primarily uses emails, vishing exclusively uses voice calls or voicemails, leveraging the personal touch and immediacy of a phone call to scam victims.

How can I identify a vishing attempt?

Be alert for unsolicited calls asking for personal information, calls instilling a sense of urgency or fear, and calls from unfamiliar or blocked numbers.

What steps can I take to protect myself against vishing?

Educate yourself about vishing, verify callers' identities by calling back through official numbers, never share personal information on unsolicited calls, and use call-filtering technology.

Can vishing affect both individuals and businesses?

Yes, vishing can target both individuals and businesses, with tactics often tailored to exploit the specific vulnerabilities and trust relationships in each context.