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Sign up for your free CanIPhish account

Protect your business by empowering employees to detect the most advanced phishing threats.

Floating email with fishing rod hooked into it

Try it for free now. No credit card or phone calls required.

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Please accept our Terms and Conditions.

What will I get?

Access to the entire CanIPhish SaaS Phishing Simulation Platform.

Warning symbol

Discover Vulnerabilities

Discover vulnerabilities in your email sender and receiver supply chains.

Rocket taking off

Launch Phishing Campaigns

Blend social engineering with ever evolving phishing material.

Shield with lock symbol

Continuously Improve

Track, train and target vulnerable users for future simulations.

Three arrows converging

It is fast and easy. Create your first phishing campaign with CanIPhish.

Macbook Laptop CanIPhish Phishing Success Screenshot
Apple iPhone CanIPhish Phishing Success Mobile Screenshot

Don't wait to protect your organisation.

Capability overview

Take a look at what's on offer

Stacked Emails

Monthly Emails

Send phishing emails to up to 10 employees monthly at no charge. Seamlessly scale above and below this free threshold as needed.

Document with writing

Monthly API Calls

Send up to 150 monthly API queries at no charge. Seamlessly scale above and below this free threshold as needed.

Cloud storage

Hosted Phishing Websites

Gain full access to the numerous phishing websites that CanIPhish host on behalf of our customers.

Screen with document and text

Phishing Email Library

Gain full access to the ever evolving phishing email templates that CanIPhish has to offer.

Target with arrow

Sender Spoofing

Discover domains vulnerable to spoofing and incorporate these into your phishing simulations.

Chart with pricing symbol

Domain Tool Statistics

Track global domain tool statistics to help inform what domain's to spoof and to identify the known good and bad.